Monday, 31 March 2014

Unforgettable Moments That Mean Nothing and Everything

Last kisses
first kisses
movie moment dip and kiss.
Kiss in the rain
spiderman kiss
kiss a girl.
Spin the bottle
second chance
had to kiss you just one time.
Drunk kiss
kiss your ex. Oh.
New year kiss
kissing it better
falling in love.
Thank you
want to fuck you
teeth crash kiss.
I missed you kiss

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Ode to Fritz Gelato

You bring a joy to the mouths
of Melbourne.
You are the true bliss
of summer
days in the heat.
To Bounty
God of Sorbet
we praise
bow down
coconut delight.
you complement tanned
skin and sea salt hair
and as sun sets
oh Bounty
you are Ice
Queen of dreams.