Monday 29 June 2009

Head vs. Heart

I want to be single,
But I'm lonely,
Feel like I'm using you,
Just don't want to be losing you,
And feeling more alone.
It's in a girl's nature,
To look around,
To shop for the best she can,
Leave the rest only when she can,
Set her eyes on just one.
Love your company,
Love your cuddles,
Fun and flirtful,
But am I hurtful flirtful,
Don't want to be hurting you.
In my mind I know you're great,
Yet my heart is unsure,
It's a crazy situation,
But I can't help my hesitation,
Don't know what to do about you.

Force Unknown

In the dark,
In the cold,
A heart,
With a crust of stone.
Strong so it may take forever and a day,
To reach the warmth below,
But weak enough that it takes just one blow,
One force to shatter the stone,
A blast of passion,
Causing a heatwave of heart and mind,
Riding on winds so high,
Then crashing low,
Crushing heart,
As it did stone.
In the dark,
In the cold,
A heart,
By a force unknown.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Smile of a Memory

I smile slightly,
At a memory,
A thought of you,
How it used to be.
A simple thing you said,
Still making me smile,
From a day friends swore,
I was swimming in the Nile.
Those days slipped away,
Distance between us grows,
That memory brings a broken smile,
I wonder if that shows.